In grad school, I received a Bok Center Teaching Prize as a teaching fellow for Introductory Statistics (student reviews here). Additionally, I worked with Harvard's Science in the News organization on a number of outreach projects, including a two-hour "Deep Learning 101" talk breaking down recent advances in artificial neural networks for a popular audience, and a popular science lecture on new methods in neuroimaging. I also wrote a popular science article on the current state of mirror neuron research, and helped judge the Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair.
In college, I served as Editor-in-Chief for the 2012 issue of the Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology, giving undergraduate researchers a platform to share their research. I also helped coordinate the annual fundraising fast for the Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action project, raising over $30000—consider donating here to support New Haven's homeless population.
As a postdoc, I've served as a content creator for Neuromatch Summer Academy (NeuroAI track).